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연구자료 목록페이지로 번호, , 제목 , 첨부 , 작성자 , 작성일 , 조회수 로 구성되어 있습니다.

Addressing the Challenges of Population Ageing in the Republic of Korea
등록일 2023.06.13 조회수 2541
작성자 임정민 담당부서 연구조사부
[Addressing the Challenges of Population Ageing in the Republic of Korea]
최종결과 보고서

Executive summary
Ⅰ. Introduction

A. Understanding aging in the Republic of Korea
B. Demographic changes
C. The current status of the participation of older persons in economic activityand the prospect of the        labour market
D. Welfare status of older persons
Ⅱ. An overview of SESAP

A. Background
B. History of SESAP
1. Major changes of SESAP
2. Funding and outcomes
C. Key programming of SESAP
1. Overall programme structure and description
2. Delivery system of SESAP
3. Exemplary case studies: Gender, green jobs, and the Fourth Industrial Revolution
Ⅲ. Conclusions and suggestions
A. Achievements of SESAP
1. Income improvement
2. Poverty alleviation
3. Health and medical care cost reduction
4. Physical health improvement
5. Psychological health improvement
6. Social relations improvement
7. Quality of life improvement
8. Gender equality improvement
9. Improving adaptability of the fourth industrial revolution
10. Participate in climate change response
B. Future goals and prospects of SESAP
C. Implications and suggestions
1. Establish a delivery system for active ageing
2. Empower institutions to operate programmes as required
3. Actively respond to the social changes caused by aging
4. Program operation according to the needs and context of the country
Ⅳ. Conclusion

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