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  • Do seniors lack physical strength?

    • Physical strength of seniors has little effect on their job performance, except for jobs requiring high-intensity physical strength.
    • Seniors are becoming much healthier compared to those of same age in the past.
  • Do seniors lack the ability to learn new things?

    • Age has little effect on learning ability.
    • Seniors can learn very well when taught by effective methods of education and training.
  • Do seniors lack physical strength?

    • No. While fluid intelligence which is innate usually declines with age, crystallized intelligence which is acquired via education, training and experiences increases with age.
    • Overall, seniors are capable of making better judgments than younger people.
  • Do seniors lack physical strength?

    • Old age (aging) does not necessarily lead to low productivity.
    • The misconception that aging leads to low productivity is a form of prejudice against seniors, especially considering the fact that elderly CEOs outnumber young CEOs.
  • Do senior workers require higher salaries?

    • According to international studies, hiring seniors does not equivalent to higher salaries.
    • The misconception of increasing wages with age may come from the seniority-based wage system in which wages increase with age, not from the capacity-based wage system in which wages are determined by productivity.